Card Lock and Using it to Protect Your Funds

Here’s everything you need to know and how Card Lock can keep your money safe.

Ever had a fun night on the town and found your card is no longer in your pocket? Did it fall out of your pocket at the movies? Or maybe at the restaurant? We all know that the feeling of alarm when you try to mentally retrace your steps. All while hoping no fraudster finds your card first. The good news is now you can lock your card! Here is everything you need to know about this card security feature and how Card Lock can keep your money safe.

Young couple looking over their finances

Card Lock Feature

Card Lock is a security feature allowing you to block new authorizations on your debit and/or credit card. If you've temporarily misplaced your card, locking can prevent criminals from using it without reporting it as lost or stolen. Once you find your card, you can unlock it and use it normally.

Card Lock Works like This
If you lock your card, all new transactions will be rejected. If you try to use the locked card, we will send you (the cardholder) a notification. We will contact you via push notification, SMS message or email and will inform you that the card has been rejected because it has the "locked" status. Your card will remain locked until you decide to unlock it. You can also block your card as many times as you need.

Want to see which cards are locked? Manage which cards are locked when you log into Online Banking or the Mobile Banking App.

Here are Transactions Allowed While Locked
All recurring or automatic debits that the merchant has set up correctly will continue to process as usual. When a merchant sets up an automatic payment, part of their process adds an indicator that shows that the transaction is repeating. For example, subscriptions, streaming services, memberships, or automated bill payments will continue to be processed.
Here are a few examples of recurring, automatic bill payments:

• Cell phone bill
• Utility bill
• Cable or streaming service bill
• Gym membership
• Subscription boxes for food, clothing, beauty, and pet supplies
• Magazine subscriptions

The merchant will need to set up any recurring charges correctly, otherwise Card Lock will block the transaction. You probably don't need to take any action - setting up a recurring transaction is something the merchant indicates on their side.

Here’s When you Should use Card Lock
If you've temporarily misplaced your card and are unable to find it, lock the card to prevent further purchases until you find it. Your card will be blocked from new authorizations until you choose to unlock it, so if you stop looking for the card, report it as Lost/Stolen and we will reissue you a new card.

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